I had a neat little map up here showing where Slovenia is. However, my blog doctor (my daughter)
told me it had all kinds of hidden stuff (she used the correct terms but it is beyond me) that was messing (another technical term) with my blog. Therefore, I had to delete the map.
Hello, I noticed that there are 3 people Slovenia regularly reading my blog. First of all, THANK YOU! Are you reading it in English or using a translator? Please tell me in the comment section.
Also, I would be honored if any of you would become a follower.
I am ashamed to admit I had no idea where slovenia was until I looked it up on the web. I learned most of my geography when I was in grade school SEVERAL YEARS AGO! So, many borders and names have changed since then. PLEASE keep reading and I am interested in finding out how you found me. I would also like to know what part of Slovenia you live in.
zdravo , jaz oglas to so 3 narod s Slovenija redno čitanje svoj blog. prevsem , the same! ste vi čitanje to v angleščini ali using a prevajalec? prosim v razložiti section.Also, jaz domišljavec čast če sploh kateri od vi hoteti postati a pripadnik. jaz sem osramočen priznati sem imel ne umislek kraj Slovenija was do sem pogledal to više ujeti. sem se učil posebno svoj zemljepisje čas sem bil v osnovna šola mnog leto pred! tako mnogi , robnik ter soimenjak življati sprememba odkar torej. prosim vztrajati čitanje ter se zanimam ugotovitev jasno kako si našel mi. jaz hoteti tudi všeč biti znati kakšen del od Slovenija vi stanovati.