If you are starting here then STOP.
Scroll down to #1 where it actually starts
The Finale (and you are thinking...finally).
Scroll down to #1 where it actually starts
The Finale (and you are thinking...finally).
Before starting the "smashing" campaign I wrote out a Bill of Promises for the ants:
1. I will not squeal out, "DIE, YOU B..." (or whatever) as I squash
2. I will not smile and enjoy the process.
3. If ants are still wiggling after the smashing maneuver I will go
in for a second smash and put it out of its misery.
in for a second smash and put it out of its misery.
4. I will give ants showing bravery, exceptional evasive moves,
or other enterprising traits a chance to go outside.
or other enterprising traits a chance to go outside.
5. I will keep my counters as clean as humanly possible so as
not to tempt ants (yeah, right!).
not to tempt ants (yeah, right!).
Funny thing though, before I could finish writing the diatribe, I saw an ant sitting on the top of the lidded ketchup bottle. It appeared to be surveying what I was writing. I gave her (because all worker ants are female, that must be why they are so successful) time to finish reading and said, "Well, what do you think?" I watched the small creature march down the ketchup bottle, up my pen, and onto my finger (poor thing must have been near sighted). I briefly considered that it might actually be trying to communicate with me. NO! COULDN'T BE......... then I quickly put her outside.
Now, before you call me crazy (ok, I know you have already thought that several times) let me tell you thet I no longer have an over supply of ants. Once in a while a rogue ant will race across the table or the counter. But they are no longer here in mass.
Think what you want but, I am here to tell you that ANTS HAVE LEARNED TO READ. We humans had best be careful how we treat them because THEY could GET EVEN!
kt 2010
kt 2010
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