Tuesday, October 26, 2010



    In the 80s I was a single mother living in Southern California.  I apparently needed to make it up to my children, for them to enduring having only one parent.  I was determined to be a SUPER mom and went out of my way (and into the wee hours of the morning) to insure that they weren’t short changed in the parent department.
                                                  One of my,  MANIC, projects was Halloween costumes.  They simply HAD to win a prize at the local parade.  Somewhere in September I would begin the CRAZED activity aimed at achieving MY goal.
           Old sheets came out of the closet, paper mache materials were accumulated, poster board and other items were purchased.   The various paints and markers came out of hiding.  The apartment began to take on the appearance of  the back streets of Tijuana . The kids would ignore the flurry of activity as, by now, (YEARS) they were used to my CRAZY projects and all the clutter and CALAMITY that went with them.  My poor son bore the burden of my creativity.

          I loved paper mache' however, I failed to realize the weight involved.  Like an idiot, I covered the mache' head with plaster of Paris so it would be stronger.  The head of my son's first WINNING costume was so "nose heavy" that he kept falling over forward.  After he fell head first into the bushes, and over onto his hands/knees (and over a witch, a bear and a ghost) he finally got the hang of it.  He had to walk with his hand holding up his snout.  Poor kid had a sore neck and arm for days.  He also lost part of his tail when a robot (deliberately) stepped on it.

         The head of my son’s second WINNING costume was so large that he couldn’t see out of the holes which caused all kinds of interesting accidents.  One of which was stepping off the porch and missing the steps.  He ran over his sister several times, and complained about the echo making him go deaf. He finally  had to hold onto the head (with both hands) in order to position the holes just right.  More sore arms etc.  Not once did he call me a lunatic (well, I couldn't hear most of his comments under the pumpkin head).

          By the third WINNING costume I finally got it right.  It was perfect and my son’s favorite costume. The paper mache head was only a partial skull cap and eyes.
However, (and you knew there would be a however, didn't you) people kept stepping on his flippers (and without the enclosed headpieces as before, one could hear that the what had first sounded like just grumbles were actually cuss words).          


              My daughter was easy.  She liked princesses, angels and clowns.  With the sewing machine burning up the midnight oil I managed to make her three winning costumes, too.



  1. awesome mom. Great as always. I always love the Pumpkin head costume.

    I just put a gadget on my blog with your blogs logo. check it out.

  2. My mom was into themes. But unfortunately, I am the oldest. So when sis and I were Raggedy Ann and Andy, I was Andy. When were were Bugs and Sylvester, I was Sylvester. When we were Burt and Ernie, I was Burt. The last straw was when she involved all the siblings and we were Goldilocks and the Three "Baers". I probably don't have to tell you who was Papa Baer.

  3. Thank you for your lovely comments. I am glad that I could inspire you to start your own blog. Enjoy it!

  4. Lol! I too was a single mom (in the 90's) and was determined to make it up to my kids.Alas, I did not have the creative stamina to make terric Halloween costumes. Although I did make my children suffer having an overcompensating parent in other ways! This was too funny !

  5. Wow you are amazing. Those costumes are brilliant, i did laugh over the plaster of paris head. You must be a very devoted Mum.

  6. Incredible costumes! You have a serious talent here.

  7. I used to make costumes too. One time I made an Alf, which became a werewolf (without Alf's head and a werewolfs added), a bear, and Big Foot. Of course the cape for Dracula was added to about 6 or 7 outfits.One time I took a large carboard box, covered it with a red checkered cloth, cut a hole in the center (so the kid could put his or head through the hole , added a red wig (spaghetti) etc. Finally one year the kids ganged up on me and asked if they coulf 'buy' their costumes that year! Boy, was I insulted. A cheap old box costume - humph! Go figure!

  8. This my friend is where we differ. I can't sew to save my life. I can't sew a straightline, crooked line of any kind of line. lol My kids would cry if I tried! Miss seeing you. Hope all is well.

  9. I am a single mom and I am too tired to 'make it up' to my kids. Then again, their biological donors would make such lousy parents, I am actually doing them a favor. I absolutely love, love, love your costumes! I mean what are some minor discomforts for your son, when you have such amazing winners! You have talent! When I was a kid we were either the gypsy, the hobo or the old lady (that looked a lot like Phyllis Diller). My mom was NOT creative. Haha!

  10. You must have the greatest photo albums!
